Now it is time for us (YOJIN C&E)
to take the next leap for a better future.

In the 21st century, our society is moving into the high-tech age, and becoming more personalized. Houses, buildings, and social facities, such as roads, harbors, and factories, have been built in practical and aesthetic ways.

Above all, the architecture is changing with the times with the aid of scientific design and high-tech equipment In this new era, we(YOJIN C&E) are building beautirul, strong, and convenient architecture with our experience and expertise in construction, accumulated technology, and our technical team. From beginning to end, we do not allow even the smallest errors and we always work to meet the customers’ requests through a scientific and reasonable process.

Now it is time for us (YOJIN C&E) to take the next leap for a better future.We put our heart and soul in to making convenient living spaces, to promote a pleasant residential environment, and to create comfortable office areas and infrastructure facilities. We ask that you please give us your ongoing interest and support, Thank you.

President/Vice-Chairman CHOI EUNSANG